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Adult Bible Study

Saint Francis Xavier Parish Adult Bible Study is an informal, ongoing program that challenges individuals to experience their faith through the discussion of Sacred Scripture. We meet Sunday mornings, 9:30 – 10:45 in the St Anne Room of the Parish Hall.

In Bible Study, we read God’s Word and reflect upon it in a group discussion. Through this Faith Sharing of social interaction, we can come to better understand how Holy Scripture affects our everyday lives.

Hispanic Ministries

Apostoles de la Palabra 

Parishioners of Saint Francis Xavier who meet weekly for prayer, the study of apologetics and scripture every Friday evening. In addition to their Friday meetings, they conduct community outreach within the Hispanic community of Brunswick. On occasions in the past, the group has sponsored weekend “retiros” with invited guest directors including the founder of the Apóstoles de la Palabra Movement; Fr. Flaviano Amatulli.


The Guadalupano group is devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe and has the purpose of nourishing devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary within the Hispanic Community of St. Francis Xavier. They conduct a weekly Rosary (Saturdays at 7:00 pm in different homes throughout our Hispanic community) and they conduct a yearlong fundraising effort to pay expenses for the Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe every year on December 12. They organize events and festivals for the Hispanic community of the parish during the year.

Our Lady of Lourdes

This group is affiliated to the Dioceses of Savannah Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Groups Coalition. The group meets in the St. Joseph Chapel each Monday at 7:00 pm for prayer and praise. On occasions the group sponsors parish events such as “retiros,” workshops and the annual Vigil of Pentecost in Spanish.

Council of Catholic Women

Mission Statement:  The St. Francis Xavier Council of Catholic Women (CCW) supports, empowers, and educates women of our parish in the commissions of spirituality, leadership, and service. CCW programs respond with gospel values to the needs of the Church, our parish, and our community.

 By virtue of being a registered Catholic woman, you are already a member of this wonderful group. However, if you would like to take a more active role and have an interest in: 

          • Growing in spirituality, enriching your faith
          • Gain an understanding of Catholic social teaching
          • Advocate for a culture of life and social justice
          • Form lasting friendships
          • Be more involved in parish life, then actively join CCW.

There are many opportunities throughout the year and you can be as involved as your time allows; just selecting a few opportunities or joining us each month for our meetings.  Meetings are held September through May in the Narthex, on the second Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise posted) at 6 pm, starting with a provided dinner.  All are welcome to any meetings and childcare can be provided upon request.

If you have any questions or would like more information:


Or contact the Parish office at (912) 265-3249 and they will be able to put you in touch with the current SFX CCW President.

Craft Group

The St Francis Xavier Crafters’ Guild is a non-denominational, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual group of women who gather each Tuesday at 10:00 am in the former art room of the St. Joseph Family Center to support and teach each other whilst making items for various charities, e.g., caps for cancer, preemie caps for the hospital, shawls, lap rugs, or leg warmers for the nursing homes. The ladies also make items for their own use, but most of all, we have fun. The attendees share their expertise in a variety of craft forms from ceramics to fiber arts to decorating ideas to cooking. We wish to pass on the skills that are in danger of becoming extinct. Every person is welcome no matter their experience and each woman discovers that she, herself, has her own gift to share. There are no fees or charges. Contact the parish office at (912) 265-3249 for more information

Jekyll Island Catholic Ladies

A small group of women that help coordinate various events on Jekyll Island. From collecting food, coordinating concert information to organizing liturgical needs and potlucks suppers, these women are mainly active from November to March. Visiting guests to the area during that time are highly involved and welcomed!

Knights of Columbus

With over 1.8 million members globally, the Knights of Columbus has become the strong right arm of the Catholic Church and is the largest Catholic lay men’s service organization in the world. Henry T. Ross Council 1939 chartered in 1919 serves the Golden Isles parishes and community with Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Membership is open to practicing Catholic men above the age of 18 who wish to serve Christ and his church. For more information,  contact any member of the council, visit the council website at or call the parish office to speak with the Grand Knight.